Dilbert – He Isn’t Just for Engineers Anymore

For my first post of my digital reading list, I present you Dilbert.

I know what you are thinking…

Oddly drawn characters, situations you never find yourself in:

::unless you are an engineer, in which case try and feel for those who do not participate in our profession::


And really, who could enjoy:


Unless you are an engineer.  Sure, you could stretch your mind, put yourself in our shoes, but who has the time?  And who wants to work that hard while reading the Sunday comics?

Dilbert doesn’t even work for all engineers.  Its true, its true.  He is not everyone engineer’s cup of tea.  Sure, we can all commiserate about how painful Calc 102 was, but we can’t all agree on Dilbert.

I’m not going to lie, not every comic is a home run, even for a self-professed fan:


That comic is currently number one on the all time best comics list.

What I want to draw you attention to is not the comics, but  Scott Adam’s blog.  Try out a few of his past posts, or rather check out my current favorites:

The subjects Scott chooses to delve into fascinate me.  Every day is a new surprise as Scott jumps from finance, to exploring the human condition, to the just plain funny.  Reading Scott’s blog will not provide you the next whiz-bang idea to present to your boss, but rather, Scott’s blog provides great insight on how to communicate ones own thoughts to the masses.

Scott has a natural, easy-going style that allows him to take his complex ideas and effectively present them to me.  I rarely find myself noodling around the same types of idea’s Scott has, i.e. what defines a friend, but I always walk away from reading one of his post feeling richer for the experience.

My ability to follow his sometimes rather arcane trains of thought is a credit to his writing style, a style I hope to learn from and incorporate into my own writing.